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FY'25 Operational Plan

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CONTENTSINTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 1EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................... 2STRATEGIC PILLARS .............................................................................. 3WHO WE ARE .......................................................................................... 4SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS ........................................................................... 6Where we Stand: Our Position on Priority IssuesFISCAL 2025 OBJECTIVES ...................................................................... 7Achieving our Strategic PrioritiesFISCAL 2025 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE #1 ................................................ 8Build a World-Class Brand for Wines of BCFISCAL 2025 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE #2 ................................................ 9Position BC As A Premier Wine RegionFISCAL 2025 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE #3 .............................................. 10Make BC Wine Country a Benchmark for Wine TourismFISCAL 2025 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE #4 .............................................. 11Strengthen Wine Industry LeadershipFISCAL 2025 STRATEGIC GOAL #5 ....................................................... 12Leverage Government Advocacy EffortsAPPENDIX ............................................................................................. 13INTRODUCTIONThe purpose of this document is to communicate the Fiscal 2025 objectives, strategies and tactics that will be carried out by Wine Growers British Columbia (WGBC) this year. This plan was developed to deliver on the WGBC Vision, Mission and Core Values, as well as the Wine BC 2030 Strategic Vision Pillars.This is the fth year of operations under The Wine BC 2030 Long-Term Strategic Plan. The Fiscal 2025 WGBC Advocacy, Communications and Marketing Operational Plan provides the WGBC team with a framework and action plan to guide implementation, facilitate decision making, and adapt to ever-changing external forces facing our industry. In consideration of the challenges facing the BC wine industry, the Annual Operational Plan has been developed to address the current environment while still retaining the exibility necessary to help industry and member wineries meet new and emerging challenges. WGBC will lead the execution of the plan and work in collaboration with key industry partners and organizations in both the wine and tourism industries. Many of the strategies require a multi-faceted approach to succeed and require industry-wide collaboration including winery and grower participation and resource allocation.The BC wine industry is made up of dedicated growers and producers across nine breathtaking regions who have chosen this unique and diverse terroir to cultivate as their passion and profession. We are honoured to work alongside you all and look forward to working together for the continued success and vitality of the industry.

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CONTENTSINTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 1EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................... 2STRATEGIC PILLARS .............................................................................. 3WHO WE ARE .......................................................................................... 4SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS ........................................................................... 6Where we Stand: Our Position on Priority IssuesFISCAL 2025 OBJECTIVES ...................................................................... 7Achieving our Strategic PrioritiesFISCAL 2025 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE #1 ................................................ 8Build a World-Class Brand for Wines of BCFISCAL 2025 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE #2 ................................................ 9Position BC As A Premier Wine RegionFISCAL 2025 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE #3 .............................................. 10Make BC Wine Country a Benchmark for Wine TourismFISCAL 2025 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE #4 .............................................. 11Strengthen Wine Industry LeadershipFISCAL 2025 STRATEGIC GOAL #5 ....................................................... 12Leverage Government Advocacy EffortsAPPENDIX ............................................................................................. 13INTRODUCTIONThe purpose of this document is to communicate the Fiscal 2025 objectives, strategies and tactics that will be carried out by Wine Growers British Columbia (WGBC) this year. This plan was developed to deliver on the WGBC Vision, Mission and Core Values, as well as the Wine BC 2030 Strategic Vision Pillars.This is the fth year of operations under The Wine BC 2030 Long-Term Strategic Plan. The Fiscal 2025 WGBC Advocacy, Communications and Marketing Operational Plan provides the WGBC team with a framework and action plan to guide implementation, facilitate decision making, and adapt to ever-changing external forces facing our industry. In consideration of the challenges facing the BC wine industry, the Annual Operational Plan has been developed to address the current environment while still retaining the exibility necessary to help industry and member wineries meet new and emerging challenges. WGBC will lead the execution of the plan and work in collaboration with key industry partners and organizations in both the wine and tourism industries. Many of the strategies require a multi-faceted approach to succeed and require industry-wide collaboration including winery and grower participation and resource allocation.The BC wine industry is made up of dedicated growers and producers across nine breathtaking regions who have chosen this unique and diverse terroir to cultivate as their passion and profession. We are honoured to work alongside you all and look forward to working together for the continued success and vitality of the industry.

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ADVOCACY, COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING OPERATIONAL PLAN | FISCAL 2025 32 WINE GROWERS BRITISH COLUMBIAWINE BC 2030: STRATEGIC PILLARSWine BC 2030’s ve fundamental pillars dene principles and outline a visionary road map with specic strategies to address the BC wine industry’s complexities and opportunities. These pillars are fundamental ideas that support the Vision Statement and that the industry can embrace across functional areas and programs. By integrating these strategic pillars into the activities, programs and plans going forward, it will help ensure that the industry adheres to the direction of the Strategic Vision and, over time, develops the Vision into reality for the industry. These pillars will also create consistency across the BC wine industry with shared activities, messages and imagery that supports these foundational ideas.EXECUTIVE SUMMARYOUR VISIONBritish Columbia transcends the new and old worlds – recognized for diversity in its elevated wines, supernatural terroir, extreme beauty and dedicated people.OUR MISSIONOur mission is to represent the interests of British Columbia wineries dedicated to producing 100% British Columbia grape wines certied by the regulatory body for wine in British Columbia, through marketing, communications and advocacy of their products to all stakeholders.OUR CORE VALUESQuality, leadership, dedication and passion are reected in all the work we do.MEASURING SUCCESSWe measure and assess our achievements against our strategies through quantiable key performance indicators (KPIs) and we report against our KPIs every quarter.LEADERSHIPPRODUCT IDENTITYCOMMUNICATIONLEADERSHIPCollaboration; association; cooperation.PRODUCT IDENTITYReputation; authenticity; credibility; origin; appellation; terroir; standardsCOMMUNICATIONMessaging; marketing; advocacyPILLAR 1BuildingBrand BC01PILLAR 2Fostering Unityand Community02PILLAR 3AdvancingSustainability03PILLAR 4ExecutionalExcellence04PILLAR 5CelebratingDiversity05British Columbia transcends the “new” and “old” worlds – recognized for diversity in its elevated wines, super natural terroir, extreme beauty and dedicated people.

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ADVOCACY, COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING OPERATIONAL PLAN | FISCAL 2025 32 WINE GROWERS BRITISH COLUMBIAWINE BC 2030: STRATEGIC PILLARSWine BC 2030’s ve fundamental pillars dene principles and outline a visionary road map with specic strategies to address the BC wine industry’s complexities and opportunities. These pillars are fundamental ideas that support the Vision Statement and that the industry can embrace across functional areas and programs. By integrating these strategic pillars into the activities, programs and plans going forward, it will help ensure that the industry adheres to the direction of the Strategic Vision and, over time, develops the Vision into reality for the industry. These pillars will also create consistency across the BC wine industry with shared activities, messages and imagery that supports these foundational ideas.EXECUTIVE SUMMARYOUR VISIONBritish Columbia transcends the new and old worlds – recognized for diversity in its elevated wines, supernatural terroir, extreme beauty and dedicated people.OUR MISSIONOur mission is to represent the interests of British Columbia wineries dedicated to producing 100% British Columbia grape wines certied by the regulatory body for wine in British Columbia, through marketing, communications and advocacy of their products to all stakeholders.OUR CORE VALUESQuality, leadership, dedication and passion are reected in all the work we do.MEASURING SUCCESSWe measure and assess our achievements against our strategies through quantiable key performance indicators (KPIs) and we report against our KPIs every quarter.LEADERSHIPPRODUCT IDENTITYCOMMUNICATIONLEADERSHIPCollaboration; association; cooperation.PRODUCT IDENTITYReputation; authenticity; credibility; origin; appellation; terroir; standardsCOMMUNICATIONMessaging; marketing; advocacyPILLAR 1BuildingBrand BC01PILLAR 2Fostering Unityand Community02PILLAR 3AdvancingSustainability03PILLAR 4ExecutionalExcellence04PILLAR 5CelebratingDiversity05British Columbia transcends the “new” and “old” worlds – recognized for diversity in its elevated wines, super natural terroir, extreme beauty and dedicated people.

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4 WINE GROWERS BRITISH COLUMBIAWHO WE AREAN AUTHENTIC VOICEThe Wines of British Columbia represent the unique, welcoming and diverse people of our wine industry in British Columbia. We are an authentic voice that expresses the unique qualities of our breathtaking wine regions. Our overarching role is to oversee and represent the main facets of the British Columbia wine industry. These include “Certied 100% BC grape wine” and the “Wine Regions of British Columbia.” These are seen as core branded products or offerings of the Wines of British Columbia Master Brand as highlighted in our Wines of British Columbia Brand Book. We are condent, stimulating, grounded and breathtaking.WINESPEOPLE PLACEWINES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA

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4 WINE GROWERS BRITISH COLUMBIAWHO WE AREAN AUTHENTIC VOICEThe Wines of British Columbia represent the unique, welcoming and diverse people of our wine industry in British Columbia. We are an authentic voice that expresses the unique qualities of our breathtaking wine regions. Our overarching role is to oversee and represent the main facets of the British Columbia wine industry. These include “Certied 100% BC grape wine” and the “Wine Regions of British Columbia.” These are seen as core branded products or offerings of the Wines of British Columbia Master Brand as highlighted in our Wines of British Columbia Brand Book. We are condent, stimulating, grounded and breathtaking.WINESPEOPLE PLACEWINES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA

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ADVOCACY, COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING OPERATIONAL PLAN | FISCAL 2025 76 WINE GROWERS BRITISH COLUMBIASITUATION ANALYSIS WHERE WE STAND: OUR POSITION ON PRIORITY ISSUESIn November 2023, the WGBC Board of Directors and executive staff participated in a working session to review, discuss and assess current and potential challenges facing the BC wine industry and dene the strategic priorities for Fiscal 2025.Through advocacy, communications and marketing, WGBC will take a leadership role in supporting wineries through our identied issues including short crop/climate-change related challenges, working with industry partners like LCRB on onsite regulatory issues, providing resources with regard to consumer patterns and segments, working with industry partners to promote year-round wine tourism. With the current challenges facing the BC wine industry, the Board and staff of WGBC are ready for the challenges that lie ahead this year and are condent that the strategies and tactics laid out in this Operational Plan will set us up for success and give us the framework and exibility necessary to deliver the best possible outcomes for the industry. Of the Wine BC 2030 Pillars, Building Brand BC, Fostering Unity and Community Executional Excellence will continue to be the focus this scal. Following the situation analysis and plan review, it was determined that two of the objectives from the previous Fiscal 2024 plan would be removed. Objective 7 (Secure and Improve Access to the BC Market) was removed due to the fact that WGBC does not have any direct control over purchase decisions in the various channels, however, we will continue to promote the Wines of BC in all channels through our marketing and communications efforts. Objective 6 (Increase Demand for 100% BC Wines at Higher Prices) was also removed because it is not an objective for us, it is the lens through which we look at all of our programming. The strategies and tactics that had previously been included in Objective 6 are reected in other objectives throughout the plan and we will continue to regularly provide the sales reports to measure this success via an appendix to our quarterly reports. With this strategic alignment, it was determined that the Fiscal 2025 Operational Plan will focus on ve key objectives including:FISCAL 2025 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVESOBJECTIVE 2Position BC as a premier wine region with the tradeOBJECTIVE 1Build a world-class brand for Wines of British ColumbiaOBJECTIVE 3Make BC wine country a benchmark for wine tourismOBJECTIVE 4Strengthen wine industry leadershipOBJECTIVE 5Leverage governmentadvocacy effortsBUILDINGBRAND BC01FOSTERING UNITYAND COMMUNITY02ADVANCINGSUSTAINABILITY03EXECUTIONALEXCELLENCE04CELEBRATINGDIVERSITY05FISCAL 2024 OPERATIONAL PLAN WINE BC 2030 VISION

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ADVOCACY, COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING OPERATIONAL PLAN | FISCAL 2025 76 WINE GROWERS BRITISH COLUMBIASITUATION ANALYSIS WHERE WE STAND: OUR POSITION ON PRIORITY ISSUESIn November 2023, the WGBC Board of Directors and executive staff participated in a working session to review, discuss and assess current and potential challenges facing the BC wine industry and dene the strategic priorities for Fiscal 2025.Through advocacy, communications and marketing, WGBC will take a leadership role in supporting wineries through our identied issues including short crop/climate-change related challenges, working with industry partners like LCRB on onsite regulatory issues, providing resources with regard to consumer patterns and segments, working with industry partners to promote year-round wine tourism. With the current challenges facing the BC wine industry, the Board and staff of WGBC are ready for the challenges that lie ahead this year and are condent that the strategies and tactics laid out in this Operational Plan will set us up for success and give us the framework and exibility necessary to deliver the best possible outcomes for the industry. Of the Wine BC 2030 Pillars, Building Brand BC, Fostering Unity and Community Executional Excellence will continue to be the focus this scal. Following the situation analysis and plan review, it was determined that two of the objectives from the previous Fiscal 2024 plan would be removed. Objective 7 (Secure and Improve Access to the BC Market) was removed due to the fact that WGBC does not have any direct control over purchase decisions in the various channels, however, we will continue to promote the Wines of BC in all channels through our marketing and communications efforts. Objective 6 (Increase Demand for 100% BC Wines at Higher Prices) was also removed because it is not an objective for us, it is the lens through which we look at all of our programming. The strategies and tactics that had previously been included in Objective 6 are reected in other objectives throughout the plan and we will continue to regularly provide the sales reports to measure this success via an appendix to our quarterly reports. With this strategic alignment, it was determined that the Fiscal 2025 Operational Plan will focus on ve key objectives including:FISCAL 2025 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVESOBJECTIVE 2Position BC as a premier wine region with the tradeOBJECTIVE 1Build a world-class brand for Wines of British ColumbiaOBJECTIVE 3Make BC wine country a benchmark for wine tourismOBJECTIVE 4Strengthen wine industry leadershipOBJECTIVE 5Leverage governmentadvocacy effortsBUILDINGBRAND BC01FOSTERING UNITYAND COMMUNITY02ADVANCINGSUSTAINABILITY03EXECUTIONALEXCELLENCE04CELEBRATINGDIVERSITY05FISCAL 2024 OPERATIONAL PLAN WINE BC 2030 VISION

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ADVOCACY, COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING OPERATIONAL PLAN | FISCAL 2025 98 WINE GROWERS BRITISH COLUMBIABUILDING BRAND BCOBJECTIVE 1: BUILD A WORLD-CLASS BRAND FOR “WINES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA”Audience• Member Wineries• Industry Stakeholders• Consumers• Trade• MediaStrategies• Build consumer, trade and media awareness of BC wines through education and training• Increase market share of certied 100% BC wines in price band between $20-39.99• Develop and implement marketing assets and communications messaging to increase winery & trade adoption of Wines of British Columbia brand awareness campaignsMetrics/KPIs• 20% increase in international and domestic media coverage via media monitoring• 750 registered in Wines of BC Ambassador Level One• Keep the CPM (cost per 1,000 impression) under $5 with effective reach across all consumer digital channels (note, tourism industry average is $7.12)Tactics• Identify and host/co-host key international and domestic media and trade in-region for organized FAM tours• Create key brand awareness messaging and resources and encourage members and industry stakeholders to use in their marketing and communications efforts• Collaborate with media and inuencers to connect more trade and consumers with Wines of BC Ambassador Level One• Work with channels to educate staff through Wines of BC Ambassador Program and integrate the premium positioning of BC wine within their internal marketing campaigns and in-store programmingBUILDING BRAND BCOBJECTIVE 2: POSITION BC AS A PREMIER WINE REGION WITH TRADE, MEDIA AND INFLUENCERSAudience• Trade• Media• Industry Partners• Member WineriesStrategies• Create more meaningful touchpoints between member wineries and key trade, media and inuencers• Make the Wines of BC Ambassador Program the industry standard for BC wine education• Work closely with export committee, member wineries and Wine Growers Canada to align export opportunities with available funding and resourcesMetrics/KPIs• 500 trade certied through Wines of BC Ambassador Level Two• Launch pilot of Wines of BC Ambassador Level Three• Increase Pour More BC pageviews by 5%• Maintain an average open rate of 45% on The Pulp trade newsletterTactics• Facilitate industry and member workshops to align our in-person events to the needs of attendees and enhance relationship-building opportunities for our members• Host trade and media events, masterclasses and seminars in key markets as warranted from the aforementioned workshop• Partner with industry organizations and events (i.e. BCRFA, CAPS BC, VanMag Restaurant Awards) to promote the Wines of BC and the training resources available to the restaurant industry• Develop the Wines of BC Ambassador Level Three program and launch the pilot program in Fiscal 2025• Revise the three-year BC Wine Export Strategy to reect industry realities and priorities• Develop engagement strategy for Pour More BC to create opportunities for connections between wineries, trade, and consumers• Collaborate with key trade and industry stakeholders to promote widespread certication through Wines of BC Ambassador Level Two• Create a meaningful content strategy for The Pulp to drive engagement and encourage signups.

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ADVOCACY, COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING OPERATIONAL PLAN | FISCAL 2025 98 WINE GROWERS BRITISH COLUMBIABUILDING BRAND BCOBJECTIVE 1: BUILD A WORLD-CLASS BRAND FOR “WINES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA”Audience• Member Wineries• Industry Stakeholders• Consumers• Trade• MediaStrategies• Build consumer, trade and media awareness of BC wines through education and training• Increase market share of certied 100% BC wines in price band between $20-39.99• Develop and implement marketing assets and communications messaging to increase winery & trade adoption of Wines of British Columbia brand awareness campaignsMetrics/KPIs• 20% increase in international and domestic media coverage via media monitoring• 750 registered in Wines of BC Ambassador Level One• Keep the CPM (cost per 1,000 impression) under $5 with effective reach across all consumer digital channels (note, tourism industry average is $7.12)Tactics• Identify and host/co-host key international and domestic media and trade in-region for organized FAM tours• Create key brand awareness messaging and resources and encourage members and industry stakeholders to use in their marketing and communications efforts• Collaborate with media and inuencers to connect more trade and consumers with Wines of BC Ambassador Level One• Work with channels to educate staff through Wines of BC Ambassador Program and integrate the premium positioning of BC wine within their internal marketing campaigns and in-store programmingBUILDING BRAND BCOBJECTIVE 2: POSITION BC AS A PREMIER WINE REGION WITH TRADE, MEDIA AND INFLUENCERSAudience• Trade• Media• Industry Partners• Member WineriesStrategies• Create more meaningful touchpoints between member wineries and key trade, media and inuencers• Make the Wines of BC Ambassador Program the industry standard for BC wine education• Work closely with export committee, member wineries and Wine Growers Canada to align export opportunities with available funding and resourcesMetrics/KPIs• 500 trade certied through Wines of BC Ambassador Level Two• Launch pilot of Wines of BC Ambassador Level Three• Increase Pour More BC pageviews by 5%• Maintain an average open rate of 45% on The Pulp trade newsletterTactics• Facilitate industry and member workshops to align our in-person events to the needs of attendees and enhance relationship-building opportunities for our members• Host trade and media events, masterclasses and seminars in key markets as warranted from the aforementioned workshop• Partner with industry organizations and events (i.e. BCRFA, CAPS BC, VanMag Restaurant Awards) to promote the Wines of BC and the training resources available to the restaurant industry• Develop the Wines of BC Ambassador Level Three program and launch the pilot program in Fiscal 2025• Revise the three-year BC Wine Export Strategy to reect industry realities and priorities• Develop engagement strategy for Pour More BC to create opportunities for connections between wineries, trade, and consumers• Collaborate with key trade and industry stakeholders to promote widespread certication through Wines of BC Ambassador Level Two• Create a meaningful content strategy for The Pulp to drive engagement and encourage signups.

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ADVOCACY, COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING OPERATIONAL PLAN | FISCAL 2025 1110 WINE GROWERS BRITISH COLUMBIABUILDING BRAND BCOBJECTIVE 3: MAKE BC WINE COUNTRY A BENCHMARK FOR WINE TOURISMAudience• Consumers• Industry Partners• Media• Stakeholders• Member WineriesStrategies• Develop authentic place and experience narratives for all nine of BC’s wine regions• Collaborate with regional wine associations and tourism organizations on shared initiatives and existing festivals and events• Focused digital marketing aimed at our key customer segments to increase year-round tourism opportunitiesMetrics/KPIs• Increase pageviews to by 10%• Increase The Vine subscribers by 2,000• Maintain average engagement rate above 10% across all consumer digital channels (note, a good engagement rate is considered between 1 and 6%.)Tactics• Partner with wineries, winery associations, tourism associations and other industry partners to amplify BC wine stories and maximize wine tourism messaging year round• Utilize updated consumer website to amplify wineries’ events, share place narratives and encourage trip planning to BC wine country• Create authentic social media content including all nine of BC’s wine regions to encourage engagement, drive trafc to and increase signups to The Vine• Execute engaging web strategy to increase SEO, provide a better user experience and, ultimately, increase pageviews• Create targeted digital campaigns to promote the Wines of BC to our target consumer segmentsFOSTERING UNITY AND COMMUNITYOBJECTIVE 4: STRENGTHEN WINE INDUSTRY LEADERSHIPAudience• Member Wineries• Industry Partners• GovernmentStrategies• Collaborate with industry associations on shared initiatives• Develop and implement member education strategy to increase awareness of WGBC programs and increase value perceptionMetrics/KPIs• Achieve a FY’25 WGBC member retention rate of 90%• Increase members value perception of WGBC to 70% as measured through the WGBC member survey• Increase average open rate on member communications to 52% (note industry average is between 18-28%)Tactics• Conduct annual WGBC member evaluation survey to measure member perception of value and priority programs to drive member strategies and communications• Share Sustainability Guidebook & Toolkit with wineries and grapegrowers and amplify sustainability stories behind the industry• Collaborate with key regional, provincial and national industry organizations and associations to offer valuable resources, events, networking opportunities, training and tools for wineries to improve overall business practices• Leverage Member Portal on as the ‘go-to’ resource hub to provide relevant and timely industry updates, training resources, marketing assets and communications tools• Expand member winery engagement strategy to create more direct and meaningful connections with member wineries

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ADVOCACY, COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING OPERATIONAL PLAN | FISCAL 2025 1110 WINE GROWERS BRITISH COLUMBIABUILDING BRAND BCOBJECTIVE 3: MAKE BC WINE COUNTRY A BENCHMARK FOR WINE TOURISMAudience• Consumers• Industry Partners• Media• Stakeholders• Member WineriesStrategies• Develop authentic place and experience narratives for all nine of BC’s wine regions• Collaborate with regional wine associations and tourism organizations on shared initiatives and existing festivals and events• Focused digital marketing aimed at our key customer segments to increase year-round tourism opportunitiesMetrics/KPIs• Increase pageviews to by 10%• Increase The Vine subscribers by 2,000• Maintain average engagement rate above 10% across all consumer digital channels (note, a good engagement rate is considered between 1 and 6%.)Tactics• Partner with wineries, winery associations, tourism associations and other industry partners to amplify BC wine stories and maximize wine tourism messaging year round• Utilize updated consumer website to amplify wineries’ events, share place narratives and encourage trip planning to BC wine country• Create authentic social media content including all nine of BC’s wine regions to encourage engagement, drive trafc to and increase signups to The Vine• Execute engaging web strategy to increase SEO, provide a better user experience and, ultimately, increase pageviews• Create targeted digital campaigns to promote the Wines of BC to our target consumer segmentsFOSTERING UNITY AND COMMUNITYOBJECTIVE 4: STRENGTHEN WINE INDUSTRY LEADERSHIPAudience• Member Wineries• Industry Partners• GovernmentStrategies• Collaborate with industry associations on shared initiatives• Develop and implement member education strategy to increase awareness of WGBC programs and increase value perceptionMetrics/KPIs• Achieve a FY’25 WGBC member retention rate of 90%• Increase members value perception of WGBC to 70% as measured through the WGBC member survey• Increase average open rate on member communications to 52% (note industry average is between 18-28%)Tactics• Conduct annual WGBC member evaluation survey to measure member perception of value and priority programs to drive member strategies and communications• Share Sustainability Guidebook & Toolkit with wineries and grapegrowers and amplify sustainability stories behind the industry• Collaborate with key regional, provincial and national industry organizations and associations to offer valuable resources, events, networking opportunities, training and tools for wineries to improve overall business practices• Leverage Member Portal on as the ‘go-to’ resource hub to provide relevant and timely industry updates, training resources, marketing assets and communications tools• Expand member winery engagement strategy to create more direct and meaningful connections with member wineries

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ADVOCACY, COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING OPERATIONAL PLAN | FISCAL 2025 1312 WINE GROWERS BRITISH COLUMBIAFOSTERING UNITY AND COMMUNITYOBJECTIVE 5: LEVERAGE GOVERNMENT ADVOCACY EFFORTSAudience• Member Wineries• Government• Industry StakeholdersStrategies• Support to keep the BC wine industry viable to minimize nancial and employment impact for BC wineries and vineyards• Coordinate activities with both provincial and federal industry stakeholder groups and organizationsMetrics/KPIs• Maintain key existing industry public policy• Establishment of government policy & programming to support BC grapegrowers and wineries to ensure the sustainability and protability of the BC wine industryTactics• Continued existing critical industry public policy including direct delivery benets, BC VQA rebate and Ad valorem markup• Support strategic alternatives for wineries to accommodate the different industry business models, etc. Not one size ts all• Support regulatory changes to suspend ALC rules related to wine production and ancillary activities on ALR land• Support regulatory changes such that all BC wineries continue to be eligible for temporary and capped markup exemptions• Support changes to ensure BC wineries shelf space in BCLS, wine stores, etc. for non-BC wines• Support truth in labelling & support for BC grapegrowers• Support the BCWA plebiscite process including advocacy for resulting positive outcomes• Continued support for federal policy issues include interprovincial direct-to-consumer shippingAPPENDIX2023 R12 PROVINCIAL MARKET SHARE BY PRICE BAND (IN LITRES)JAN-DEC 2023 (ALL-CHANNELS)PRICE BANDSALL WINE % ALL BC VQA %$20.00 - $24.99 10.76% 14.72%$25.00 - $29.99 8.85% 10.48%$30.00 - $34.99 8.12% 6.07%$35.00 - $39.99 2.03% 3.08%$40.00 - $49.99 2.50% 2.80%$50.00 - $59.99 2.18% 1.98%$60.00 - $69.99 1.63% 1.77%$70.00 - $79.99 0.25% 0.10%$80.00 - $89.99 0.36% 0.20%$90.00 - $99.99 1.06% 0.43%$100.00 + 4.58% 1.75%% >$20 3.85% 3.94%

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ADVOCACY, COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING OPERATIONAL PLAN | FISCAL 2025 1312 WINE GROWERS BRITISH COLUMBIAFOSTERING UNITY AND COMMUNITYOBJECTIVE 5: LEVERAGE GOVERNMENT ADVOCACY EFFORTSAudience• Member Wineries• Government• Industry StakeholdersStrategies• Support to keep the BC wine industry viable to minimize nancial and employment impact for BC wineries and vineyards• Coordinate activities with both provincial and federal industry stakeholder groups and organizationsMetrics/KPIs• Maintain key existing industry public policy• Establishment of government policy & programming to support BC grapegrowers and wineries to ensure the sustainability and protability of the BC wine industryTactics• Continued existing critical industry public policy including direct delivery benets, BC VQA rebate and Ad valorem markup• Support strategic alternatives for wineries to accommodate the different industry business models, etc. Not one size ts all• Support regulatory changes to suspend ALC rules related to wine production and ancillary activities on ALR land• Support regulatory changes such that all BC wineries continue to be eligible for temporary and capped markup exemptions• Support changes to ensure BC wineries shelf space in BCLS, wine stores, etc. for non-BC wines• Support truth in labelling & support for BC grapegrowers• Support the BCWA plebiscite process including advocacy for resulting positive outcomes• Continued support for federal policy issues include interprovincial direct-to-consumer shippingAPPENDIX2023 R12 PROVINCIAL MARKET SHARE BY PRICE BAND (IN LITRES)JAN-DEC 2023 (ALL-CHANNELS)PRICE BANDSALL WINE % ALL BC VQA %$20.00 - $24.99 10.76% 14.72%$25.00 - $29.99 8.85% 10.48%$30.00 - $34.99 8.12% 6.07%$35.00 - $39.99 2.03% 3.08%$40.00 - $49.99 2.50% 2.80%$50.00 - $59.99 2.18% 1.98%$60.00 - $69.99 1.63% 1.77%$70.00 - $79.99 0.25% 0.10%$80.00 - $89.99 0.36% 0.20%$90.00 - $99.99 1.06% 0.43%$100.00 + 4.58% 1.75%% >$20 3.85% 3.94%

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WINE GROWERS BRITISH @WinesofBC Wine Growers British Columbia Wines of British Columbia Tel 250.762.9744 Fax 250.762.9788 Toll-Free 1.800.661.2294