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FY'23 Operational Plan

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CONTENTS INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION 1 The purpose of this document is to communicate the Fiscal 2023 objectives strategies and tactics that will be carried out by Wine Growers British Columbia WGBC this year This plan was developed to deliver on the WGBC Vision Mission and Core Values as well as the Wine BC 2030 Strategic Vision Pillars EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 STRATEGIC PILLARS 3 WHO WE ARE 4 FISCAL 2023 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 6 Achieving our Strategic Priorities FISCAL 2023 STRATEGIC GOAL 1 8 Build a World Class Brand FISCAL 2023 STRATEGIC GOAL 2 9 Premier Wine Region FISCAL 2023 STRATEGIC GOAL 3 10 Wine Tourism FISCAL 2023 STRATEGIC GOAL 4 12 Industry Leadership FISCAL 2023 STRATEGIC GOAL 5 13 Government Advocacy FISCAL 2023 STRATEGIC GOAL 6 14 Increase Demand FISCAL 2023 STRATEGIC GOAL 7 15 BC Market Access APPENDIX 17 This is the third year of operations under our Wine BC 2030 Long Term Strategic Plan The Fiscal 2023 WGBC Advocacy Communications and Marketing Operational Plan is a calculated and cohesive strategy and action plan designed to guide implementation facilitate decision making adapt to ever changing external forces and inspire the industry to evolve While there are many indications that the new fiscal year will prove to be more consistent than the past few years the state of the world is still constantly evolving As such the Annual Operational Plan has been developed to address the current environment while still retaining the flexibility necessary to help industry and member wineries meet new and emerging challenges Despite uncertainty in the wine and travel markets the desire for consumers to support local has increased exponentially and this plan in coordination with the recently developed Wines of British Columbia Brand Platform and newly certified Wines of BC Ambassador Program education platform will allow our industry to drive perception change increase awareness winery visitation and direct sales amongst our core audiences WGBC will lead the execution of the plan and work in collaboration with key industry partners and organizations in both the wine and tourism industries Many of the strategies require a multi faceted approach to succeed and require industry wide collaboration including winery and grower participation and resource allocation The BC wine industry is truly exceptional rooted in the passionate people behind the wines and the nine breathtaking regions Combining this comprehensive plan with the support of such a vibrant industry provides a powerful framework for Fiscal 2023 and a clear road ahead to 2030

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY WINE BC 2030 STRATEGIC PILLARS OUR VISION British Columbia transcends the new and old worlds recognized for diversity in its elevated wines supernatural terroir extreme beauty and dedicated people OUR MISSION OUR CORE VALUES MEASURING SUCCESS Our mission is to represent the interests of British Columbia wineries dedicated to producing 100 British Columbia grape wines certified by the regulatory body for wine in British Columbia through marketing communications and advocacy of their products to all stakeholders Quality leadership dedication and passion are reflected in all the work we do We measure and assess our achievements against our strategies through quantifiable key performance indicators KPIs and we report against our KPIs every quarter Wine BC 2030 s five fundamental pillars define principles and outlines a visionary road map with specific strategies to address the BC wine industry s complexities and opportunities These pillars are fundamental ideas that support the Vision Statement and that the industry can embrace across functional areas and programs By integrating these strategic pillars into the activities programs and plans going forward it will help ensure that the industry adheres to the direction of the Strategic Vision and over time develops the Vision into reality for the industry These pillars will also create consistency across the BC wine industry with shared activities messages and imagery that supports these foundational ideas British Columbia transcends the new and old worlds recognized for diversity in its elevated wines super natural terroir extreme beauty and dedicated people 01 LEADERSHIP PILLAR 1 Building Brand BC 02 PILLAR 2 Fostering Unity and Community 03 PILLAR 3 Advancing Sustainability 04 PILLAR 4 Executional Excellence 05 PILLAR 5 Celebrating Diversity Collaboration association cooperation LEADERSHIP PRODUCT IDENTITY PRODUCT IDENTITY COMMUNICATION 2 WINE GROWERS BRITISH COLUMBIA Reputation authenticity credibility origin appellation terroir standards COMMUNICATION Messaging marketing advocacy ADVOCACY COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING OPERATIONAL PLAN FISCAL 2023 3

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WHO WE ARE AN AUTHENTIC VOICE The Wines of British Columbia represent the unique welcoming and diverse people of our wine industry in British Columbia We are an authentic voice that expresses the unique qualities of our breathtaking wine regions Our overarching role is to oversee and represent the main facets of the British Columbia wine industry These include Certified 100 BC grape wine and the Wine Regions of British Columbia These are seen as core branded products or offerings of the Wines of British Columbia Master Brand We are confident stimulating grounded and breathtaking This guide is designed to help all our people and partners see how we bring that to life beautifully WINES OF BRITISH WINES OF COLUMBIA BRITISH COLUMBIA WINES PEOPLE 4 WINE GROWERS BRITISH COLUMBIA PLACE ADVOCACY COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING OPERATIONAL PLAN FISCAL 2023 5

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SITUATION ANALYSIS WHERE WE STAND OUR POSITION ON PRIORITY ISSUES In November 2021 the WGBC Board of Directors and executive staff participated in a working session to review discuss and assess current and potential challenges facing the BC wine industry and define the strategic priorities for Fiscal 2023 FISCAL 2023 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES FISCAL 2023 OPERATIONAL PLAN WINE BC 2030 VISION Through advocacy and marketing WGBC will take a leadership role in supporting wineries through our identified issues including short crop supply chain challenges destination marketing and awareness building and working with industry partners like LCRB on onsite regulatory issues and BCLS on continued market access As these issues arise and the BC wine landscape continues to evolve the Board and staff of WGBC are confident that the strategies and tactics laid out in this Operational Plan will set us up for success as we navigate the year ahead Following the Situation Analysis for the current state of the BC wine industry each of the five pillars of the Wine BC 2030 Vision were evaluated and prioritized based on their importance and potential for impact this upcoming year After careful consideration it was determined that Building Brand BC Fostering Unity and Community and Executional Excellence will continue be the focus this fiscal Although not the primary focus this fiscal investment in Advancing Sustainability and Celebrating Diversity will still be made as these pillars require a sustained effort over time to be achieved With this strategic alignment it was determined that the Fiscal 2023 Operational Plan will focus on seven key objectives including 01 02 03 04 05 BUILDING BRAND BC FOSTERING UNITY AND COMMUNITY ADVANCING SUSTAINABILITY EXECUTIONAL EXCELLENCE CELEBRATING DIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 1 OBJECTIVE 4 OBJECTIVE 6 OBJECTIVE 2 OBJECTIVE 5 OBJECTIVE 7 Build a world class brand for Wines of British Columbia Position BC as a premier wine region with the trade Strengthen wine industry leadership Align government advocacy efforts Increase demand for 100 BC wines at higher prices Secure and improve access to the BC market OBJECTIVE 3 Make BC wine country a benchmark for wine tourism 6 WINE GROWERS BRITISH COLUMBIA ADVOCACY COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING OPERATIONAL PLAN FISCAL 2023 7

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BUILDING BRAND BC FOSTERING UNITY AND COMMUNITY ADVANCING SUSTAINABILITY CELEBRATING DIVERSITY EXECUTIONAL EXCELLENCE OBJECTIVE 1 BUILD A WORLD CLASS BRAND FOR WINES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA OBJECTIVE 2 POSITION BC AS A PREMIER WINE REGION WITH TRADE MEDIA AND INFLUENCERS Audience Strategies Metrics Audience Strategies Metrics Member Wineries Evolve the Living the Brand Platform to become a resource hub for the industry to position BC at the highest level with consumers and trade 10 adoption of Wines of British Columbia branding and messaging Trade Offer highly targeted tastings masterclasses and seminars for key trade and media Increase trade quality perception of BC wine score to 80 measured through Wine Intelligence Tracking Survey Cultivate a global network of trade influencers 250 new trade certified through the Wines of BC Ambassador Program Level 2 Develop local sales support programs that deliver results on key metrics Increased quality trade participation in WGBC hosted events and tastings Develop a strong presence for BC wines through trade partner relationships and educational resources Increased usage and adoption of WGBC trade programs and materials Industry Stakeholders Consumers Trade Media Develop and implement marketing and communications campaigns to engage key stakeholders trade consumers and media Build consumer and trade image and awareness for BC wines through education and online engagement Develop media and influencer plans to generate positive exposure for Wines of British Columbia and member wineries Recruit and onboard member wineries to the three year BC Wine Export Strategy Increase consumer quality perception of BC wine score to 63 measured through Wine Intelligence Tracking Survey 20 increase in international and domestic media coverage with a 10 1 return on unpaid media coverage Activate 2021 2023 WGBC BC Wine Export Strategy route to market objectives Align with the Sustainable Winegrowing BC SWBC content calendar to promote SWBC resources and messaging to industry and communicate the value of BC s sustainability standard to consumers media and trade Facilitate Living the Brand Workshops with member wineries and industry partners to disseminate branding and messaging platforms Conduct ongoing Wine Intelligence proprietary research to measure shifts in awareness and perception of BC wines among consumers and trade and use key findings from the 2020 and 2021 research to drive strategic decision making Develop a Wines of British Columbia campaign thematic to be delivered seasonally with targeted plans for each identified market audience and communication channel Greater emphasis on digital engagement through the Wines of BC Ambassador Program online education course and the award winning Wines of BC Explorer App as drivers of perception change to grow consumer knowledge of BC wines 8 WINE GROWERS BRITISH COLUMBIA Member wineries 5 increase in Wines of BC Explorer App users Use Wines of British Columbia Brand Platform in all marketing and communications activities to clearly communicate to consumers and embrace all 100 BC grown and made wines Create Brand BC toolkits with core messaging and customizable resources and share with industry stakeholders to use with consumers media and trade Industry Partners 500 new consumers and trade certified through the Wines of BC Ambassador Program Level One Tactics Incentivize wineries and industry to use messaging and branding to increase adoption rate Media Conduct qualitative and quantitative research studies to re identify behaviour trends and preferences for each Brand BC consumer segment Host key international and domestic media and trade in region for organized FAM Tours Leverage Wines of Canada relationship to promote and feature Wines of BC in target international markets Deliver year one route to market activities that were postponed in Fiscal 2022 due to COVID 19 restrictions Tactics Organize opportunities for small groups of wineries to visit markets and meet with trade media and consumers Review and update trade education materials to include new Sub GIs climate and vineyard data and other regional data Leverage partnerships with key trade associations wine educators restaurants and retailers to expand the education reach for the Wines of British Columbia Identify high profile trade and media opportunities to conduct seminars and showcase Wines of British Columbia as a premium wine region i e TexSomm VIWF Green Wine Future Conference etc Leverage the Wines of BC Explorer App and Ambassador Program as key educational tools for wineries hospitality retail and restaurants to train staff cultivate retention and grow BC wine knowledge Develop and explore innovative formats to host Level Three BC Wine Ambassador Program certification to include tasting seminars and workshops in wine country Diversify trade influencers to host a balance of key wine trade influencers and media as well as lifestyle media influencers and high potential junior trade as an investment in our future Align key retail and hospitality partner programming with WGBC initiatives and hosting opportunities Collaborate with retail and restaurant partners to offer in store programming and purchase incentives Optimize our Customer Relationship Management CRM system to grow targeted trade lists Create trade focused sales materials with supporting facts about the region Reimagine large scale trade events and tastings to offer smaller invitation only seminars and tastings of the highest caliber to top tier trade and media ADVOCACY COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING OPERATIONAL PLAN FISCAL 2023 9

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BUILDING BRAND BC EXECUTIONAL EXCELLENCE OBJECTIVE 3 MAKE BC WINE COUNTRY A BENCHMARK FOR WINE TOURISM Audience Strategies Metrics Consumers Develop cross promotional referral programs to drive tourism in BC s nine wine regions Increase winery direct sales by 5 by the end of fiscal year 2023 Industry Partners Media Stakeholders Member Wineries Develop and implement seasonal digital marketing and communications campaigns to maintain support local sentiment and drive tourism all year around Adoption benchmark for Geo location as a tracking tool for wine and food tourism winery visits Increase Wines of British Columbia digital engagement by 15 Elevate the geo location feature to understand current wine and food tourism patterns Tactics Identify opportunities to share best practices and collaborate between sub regions stakeholder groups Work with provincial and national tourism partners to identify shared policy initiatives and jointly lobby government partners and advocate for wine tourism initiatives Lean into current trends staycation local sustainable BC etc and develop targeted plans for each identified market BC AB ON QB aligning with the overarching campaign and initiatives Engage key wine and food tourism sectors to partner in collaborative programming with cross promotional referrals BC Hotel Association BC Restaurant Association BC Farmers Markets Golf BC BC ski hills Use data collected through the Wines of BC Explorer App geo location feature to understand visitation flow and patterns Establish benchmark data based on premium international wine regions and collecting similar data to compare select key winery partners in each region to utilize traffic counter technology Optimize hashtag use to grow online community engagement Savour this place Develop and implement channel specific messaging and digital strategy with new and old social mediums e g Instagram Reels TikTok Pinterest Utilize the Wines of BC Explorer app to promote enhanced winery experiences and elevated tastings 10 WINE GROWERS BRITISH COLUMBIA ADVOCACY COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING OPERATIONAL PLAN FISCAL 2023 11

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FOSTERING UNITY AND COMMUNITY EXECUTIONAL EXCELLENCE BUILDING BRAND BC FOSTERING UNITY AND COMMUNITY OBJECTIVE 4 STRENGTHEN WINE INDUSTRY LEADERSHIP OBJECTIVE 5 ALIGN GOVERNMENT ADVOCACY EFFORTS Audience Strategies Metrics Audience Strategies Metrics Member Wineries Align strategic priorities and shared initiatives across industry organizations Increase membership engagement by 5 in all WGBC communications and marketing activities Member Wineries Expand market share and margins for BC wines Transparency of BCLDB LS variable markup Adoption of WGBC marketing and educational materials Industry Stakeholders Industry Partners Government Develop and implement member engagement strategy to increase member participation and membership satisfaction Government Regular attendance at Board meetings for the leading industry organizations representatives Lower input costs Better support and profile of 100 BC wines in existing government funding R e focus consolidate and make better use of existing Government Programs Rationalization of BCLDB wine distribution agreements I mprove synergies with the BC LDB and private retailers Site wide tasting licensing Tactics Formalize and document an evergreen cooperative agreement between the leading industry organizations for leadership to meet on a regular basis and address shared initiatives Lead industry wide townhall meetings to revisit the basic framework for Wine BC 2030 Long Term Strategic Plan to allow adaptation to changing market forces and industry growth and development recommended every 3 5 years Implement and leverage WGBC Member Portal on WineBC com to demonstrate value of membership through exclusive content Optimize our Customer Relationship Management CRM system to implement member onboarding processes and member communication engagement journeys V ineyard Resiliency Task Group recommendations to and support from government Conduct ongoing member survey research to measure member perception and value of WGBC and use key findings to drive member strategy and communications Leverage partnerships with key provincial and national industry organizations and associations to maximize and grow participation in WGBC hosted or co hosted industry events and initiatives virtual and in person Tactics Offer member training resources and tools that will develop and improve overall winery business practices R ationalize BC LDB market power as a monopoly wholesaler and primary retailer to support the agriculture based BC wine industry i e variable markup BC Select etc Align SWBC key messaging and programming with WGBC initiatives and content opportunities U pdated BC Wine Tourism Plan and funding Compromise and resolve differences with the BC LDB on shelf space allocated to BC VQA Wine W ith the extension of the current government imposed moratorium freeze on new licensee retail stores and resulting limiting market access encourage programming and support to better profile 100 BC wine products R e examine consolidate or restructure existing AFF Buy BC Partnership and Eat Drink Buy BC Restaurant Support Programs BC LDB Promotions etc to better profile 100 BC wine products M odernize BC LCRB license and BC LDB distribution agreements to recognize and treat all certified 100 BC wine as equal I mplement a floor price for all alcohol products of 7 50 bottle 750 ml and a corresponding increase to wholesale floor price Recognizing that consumer preferences are evolving revise and relax BCLCRB and ALR restrictions on size of on site tasting rooms dining and accommodation facilities Leverage BC Tourism marketing dollars for a dedicated Destination British Columbia Marketing Plan for BC Wine Country Tourism Through the Ministry of Jobs and Economic Recovery target Indigenous Business Development funds to assist Indigenous wineries to increase cultivation research development and expansion of existing wineries Establish a Vineyard Resiliency Task Group to quantify and provide recommendations to Ministry of Agriculture for financial help to meet consumer demands for high value high quality BC grape wine and to improve operations relating to support for sustainable winegrowing practices Continued support for the interprovincial transport or shipment of 100 BC wine Give permanent liquor manufacturers the ability to deliver their liquor products directly to retail customers from their registered off site storage facilities 12 WINE GROWERS BRITISH COLUMBIA ADVOCACY COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING OPERATIONAL PLAN FISCAL 2023 13

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BUILDING BRAND BC BUILDING BRAND BC OBJECTIVE 6 INCREASE DEMAND FOR 100 BC WINES AT HIGHER PRICES OBJECTIVE 7 SECURE AND IMPROVE ACCESS TO THE BC MARKET Audience Strategies Metrics Audience Strategies Metrics Consumer Grow share of all certified 100 BC wine sales in retail hospitality and winery direct Increase BC VQA provincial litre market share over 20 by 3 5 Member Wineries Increase premium positioning for 100 BC grape wine in retail channels Increase market share of certified 100 BC wines in price tiers above 20 Grow BC VQA s average price point between 20 39 99 by 1 10 Defend grow and advocate for 100 BC wine in store and e commerce programming Trade Industry Stakeholders Gain market share from import categories in retail and hospitality channels price tiers above 20 25 39 3 6 CPI 0 10 26 40 P rovide in store support for 100 BC wine programs in targeted price bands I e gift with purchase tastings when if allowed Create emotive key messages and narratives to demonstrate the value of BC wine through editorial and sponsored content social media and marketing assets P rovide educational programs and materials around the quality and value of BC wine Ensure targeted BC wine price band is utilized in all WGBC marketing and communication programs Deepen the connection between consumers and BC wine through the local agricultural perspective and emotional stories of the local farmers wine growing and production through videos and journalistic storytelling Industry Partners Advocate for increased channel access including BC Liquor Stores BCLS shelf space winery off site and tasting rooms Implementation of channel programs Adoption of WGBC marketing and educational materials 200 Retail and Hospitality listings on the Wines of BC Explorer App Tactics Hold regular meetings with leading retail and on premise partners to plan promotions gather feedback and evaluate results BCLS SOF ABLE BCRFA Grow premium positioning through webinars blogs and trade influencers with focus on value Government Tactics Develop creative material that focuses on the quality and premiumization of BC VQA Wine Retail and Hospitality Partners W ork with channels to educate staff through Ambassador Program to build BC VQA Wine advocates to promote the premium positioning of BC wine Align program initiatives with WGBC Board Advocacy and Membership Committee priorities Hold regular meetings with leading retail and on premise partners to plan promotions gather feedback and evaluate results in BC and AB BCLS SOF Sobeys Safeway Co op Wine Spirits Beer ABLE BCRFA W ork with channels to integrate BC wine premium positioning within their internal marketing campaigns and in store promotions Support and promote channels with new listings features displays tastings aligning with PHOs and e commerce programs as available i e BCLS Boutique Wines of BC program Note BCLS and SOF both looking to integrate e commerce programming in 2022 23 I ntegrate WGBC thematic programming calendar outlining all upcoming WGBC activities and initiatives with member wineries to grow participation Investigate traditional and non traditional partnership programming utilizing complementary companies and products i e cheese crackers chocolate etc Enhance industry education around the BC Wine Industry by encouraging and providing incentives for all staff to become certified through the Wines of British Columbia Ambassador Program Provide access to WGBC marketing and educational materials through online industry toolkits Build relationships with key industry trade and associations i e BCLS BC VQA Advocates SOF Team Leads CAPS Wine Directors Buyers etc F ocus tourism efforts on winery direct visitation experiences and sales note highest margins Trade up messaging to move consumers buying patterns from lower price bands to targeted price bands Utilize buy local messaging to convert international purchases 20 into BC wine purchases 14 WINE GROWERS BRITISH COLUMBIA ADVOCACY COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETING OPERATIONAL PLAN FISCAL 2023 15

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BUILDING BRAND BC FOSTERING UNITY AND COMMUNITY ADVANCING SUSTAINABILITY CELEBRATING DIVERSITY OBJECTIVE 1 BUILD A WORLD CLASS BRAND FOR WINES OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Audience Strategies Metrics Member Wineries Evolve the Living the Brand Platform to become a resource hub for the industry to position BC at the highest level with consumers and trade 10 adoption of Wines of British Columbia branding and messaging Industry Stakeholders Consumers Trade Media Develop and implement marketing and communications campaigns to engage key stakeholders trade consumers and media Build consumer and trade image and awareness for BC wines through education and online engagement Develop media and inpuencer plans to generate positive exposure for Wines of British Columbia and member wineries Recruit and onboard member wineries to the three year BC Wine Export Strategy Increase consumer quality perception of BC wine score to 65 measured through Wine Intelligence Tracking Survey 00 new consumers and trade certified through the Wines of BC Ambassador Program Level One 5 increase in Wines of BC Explorer App users 20 increase in international and domestic media coverage with a 10 1 return on unpaid media coverage Activate 2021 2023 WGBC BC Wine Export Strategy route to market objectives Tactics 8se kWines of British Columbiay Brand Platform in all marketing and communications activities to clearly communicate to consumers and embrace all 100 BC grown and made wines Align with the Sustainable Winegrowing BC SWBC content calendar to promote SWBC resources and messaging to industry and communicate the value of BC s sustainability standard to consumers media and trade Facilitate Living the Brand Workshops with member wineries and industry partners to disseminate branding and messaging platforms Conduct ongoing Wine Intelligence proprietary research to measure shifts in awareness and perception of BC wines among consumers and trade and use key ondings from the 2020 and 2021 research to drive strategic decision making Incentivize wineries and industry to use messaging and branding to increase adoption rate Create Brand BC toolkits with core messaging and customizable resources and share with industry stakeholders to use with consumers media and trade Develop a Wines of British Columbia campaign thematic to be delivered seasonally with targeted plans for each identioed market audience and communication channel Greater emphasis on digital engagement through the Wines of BC Ambassador Program online education course and the award winning Wines of BC Explorer App as drivers of perception change to grow consumer knowledge of BC wines 8 WINE GROWERS BRITISH COLUMBIA Conduct qualitative and quantitative research studies to re identify behaviour trends and preferences for each Brand BC consumer segment Host key international and domestic media and trade in region for organized FAM Tours Leverage Wines of Canada relationship to promote and feature Wines of BC in target international markets Deliver year one route to market activities that were postponed in Fiscal 2022 due to COVID 19 restrictions

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WINE GROWERS BRITISH COLUMBIA WineBC com facebook com winebcdotcom WineBCdotcom WineBCdotcom Wine Growers British Columbia Wines of British Columbia Tel 250 762 9744 Fax 250 762 9788 Toll Free 1 800 661 2294 Suite 470 1726 Dolphin Avenue Kelowna British Columbia V1Y 9R9

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